Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Likely , Unlikely and Socializing Language

Probability form

 Probability represents by likely or unlikely.

1) She is unlikely to win(low possibility to win).
2) It is highly unlikely to improve weather(low possibility to improve weather).
3) He is unlikely to get it.

Real probability forms

The real probability represents by bound/sure/certain to words.

1) They are bound to accept it.
2) We sure to arrive on the time.
3) It is certain to work.

Socializing language

a) you disturb by somebody and the person apologize to you

1) Never mind.
2) Do not worry.

b) express disappointment when something happens

1) What a pity.
2) What a shame.

c) express the happier feeling

1) It is not going to rain tomorrow just is well(I am happy about that).

d) apologize about something

1) Sorry about that.

e) express surprise

1) Well, fancy that.

f) Do not believe something

1) You must be joking.

g) Be careful

1) Mind how you go.
2) Take care.                           

Likes Dislikes and Regret

Like and Dislikes

use to talk about how much you like or dislike something.


a) To be keen on + ing

1) I am keen on skiing.
    Keen on means like it or enthusiastic about it

b) to be fond of + ing
1) I am fond of learning English.
    Found of means like it or enthusiastic about it

c) to really love + ing
1) I really love doing something.


a) not to be so fond of + ing

1) I am not so fond of going to the cinema alone.

b) can not stand +ing

1) I can not stand getting up early in the morning.

c) can not bear + ing

1) I can not bear driving every day.

d) To dislike + ing

e) No to go in for + ing

1) I do not go in for watching cinema.

Nothing special

a) not to mind + ing

1) I do not mind doing something.

b) It is all right

c) It is ok


When you do something and you wish you had not done.

situation 1: it is raining hard

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have brought my umbrella with me.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had brought my umbrella with me.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had brought my umbrella with me.

situation 2: my car broke down again

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have taken it to the mechanic earlier for the check up.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had taken it to the mechanic earlier for the check up.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had taken it to the mechanic earlier for the check up.

situation 3: I have got a treble headache

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have not drunk so much red wine last night.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had not drunk so much red wine last night.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had not drunk so much red wine last night.

situation 4: I miss the plain

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have put the alarm clock on.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had put the alarm clock on.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had put the alarm clock on.

situation 5: I forget my Pin no

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have memorized it.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had memorized it.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had memorized it.

Exchanging opinion and verb Used to

Exchanging opinions

a) asking for opinions

1) What do you think about that?
2) What is your opinion?
3) What do you feel about that?
4) What is your thought about that?
5) What is your view about that?

b) giving opinions

1) I think/feel ??.
2) In my opinion, we should??.
3) My view Is that we should??
4) As I see it??..

c) asking for agreement

1) Do you agree with me?
2) Do you go along with me?

d) agreeing totally

1) I totally agree with you.
2) I completely agree with you.
3) I go along with that.
4) That is right.
5) Exactly/absolutely.

e) agreeing partially

1) I agree with you up to a point.

f) Disagreeing

1) I can not agree with you.
2) I am afraid.
3) Oh, come on.

verb Used to

a) Get used to + ing form

get used to describe a process which adopted or taking new habit.

1) I am getting used to speaking English every day.
2) I still have not got used to driving on the right.
3) Do not worry you will get used to it.
4) I had to get used to it.
5) How long did it take to get used to it?

b) Be used to + ing form

Be used to describe a state or adopted the habit.
1) I am used to getting up early in the morning.
2) He in not used to working alone.
3) I was not used to driving on the right.

Making arrangement

Making Arrangement

a) Suggesting or appointment

1) What are you up to on Friday.
    To be up to means to be doing
2) How about/what about going to the cinema?
3) Could you manage a meeting on Friday?
    Manage means organize
4) you think we could meet up?
    To meet up means to meet
5) I wonder if we could go to the show together.
    To wonder means to think it over

b) consulting you diary

1) I will have a look in my diary.
2) Let me look in my diary.
   Diary means organizer or day planner

c) Taking about the time

1) Are you free at eight o clock?
2) Could you manage Tuesday?
3) Would Friday at five suits you.
    To suit means to be convenient
4) Could you make it on Monday?
5) When would you be available?

d) Rejection a suggestion

1) I am sorry.
2) I am booked up on Friday.
    To booked up means to have a full agenda
3) I am afraid.
4) I am busy on Friday.
5) Unfortunately, I can not make it.

e) Accepting a suggestion

1) I would love to.
2) That would be great.
3) That would be fine.

f) Confirming  a suggestion

1) Fine so that is Friday at 7 o'clock in your office.
2) Good, I will see you later then.
3) I look forward to seeing you on Friday.
4) Ok, I will be there.

Passive voice and Socializing phrases

Passive voice

To be (present   past  or future) + past participle
Passive voice is used when something is done to another object.

Tense                             past participle           sub                                   Singular or plural  
Simple Present              book or books             is or are                                     written
Present perfect              book or books             has been or have been               written
Simple past                   book or books             was or were                                written
Past perfect                   book or books             had been                                     written
Future                           book or books             will be                                         written
Future perfect               book or books             will have been                             written
Present progressive      book or books             is being or are being                     written
Past progressive           book or books             was being or were being               written

Socializing phrases

a) Receive good news

1) Congratulation.
2) I am very happy for you.

b) Receive bad news

1) I am sorry to hear that.
2) I am so sorry.

c) Invite people to be comfortable

1) Do take a seat.
2) Do take yourself at home.
3) Can I get you something to drink?

d) passing something to someone

1) Here you are

e) agreeing and disagreeing

1) I agree with you.
2) I do not agree.
3) Do you agree?
4) Well actually I do not agree with you(disagree).
5) A agree with you up to a point(agree but partially).

f) Leaving

1) We really must be going.
2) We must be on our way.

g) Showing you are sorry

1) What a shame.
2) What a pity.

British english vs American english and adjective order

British English vs American English

There are many British words which are different to American words.

British            American

color                      colour
fulfill                      fulfil
center                    centre
analyze                 analyse
aging                    ageing
dialog                   dialogue
anesthesia             anaesthesia
Football                Soccer
Rounders               Baseball
Bat                         Paddle
Flat                        apartment
Garden                   yard
Town                      downtown
Par park                 parking lot
Motorway              freeway or highway
Junction                intersection
Petrol                    gasoline
Cinema                 movies
Chips                    French fries
Crips                     potato chips
Autumn                 fall

Adjective Order

If have multiple adjectives before the noun so we arrange adjective In the following order.

1                2               3                  4                    5             6             7          8                 9
General    Specific     size          Temperature   shape       age       color     nationalist     Material opinion    opinion  

Adjective                                   Example
Quantity                                     four,ten,a few,several
Value or Opinion                       delicious, charming, beautiful
Size                                           tall, tiny, huge
Temperature                              hot, cold
Age                                           old, young, new, 14-year-old
Shape                                        square, round
Color                                         red, purple, green
Origin                                        Swedish, Victorian, Chinese
Material                                     glass,  silver,  wooden

1) This is a casual big new square brown  Italian cotton bag.
2) The playroom has six small round plastic tables.
3) A nice handsome young man.
4) A big black American car.
5) That horrible big fierce dog.

Desire and Second part of third condition

Second part of the third condition

Unreal or impossible situation

Describe the situation that have happened and that you can not be changed.

If + past perfect + would have + past participle
1) If I had not gone to the party I would have gone to bed early.
2) If had not drunk so much wine I would not have had such a bad headache.
3) If I had remembered to set the alarm I would not have woken up late.
4) If I had got up earlier I would have caught the bus.
5) If I had not been late for work my boss would not have been so annoyed.
6) If I had not gone to that party I would not have lost my contract.


Desire represent the wishes of the subject.

a) present Desire

Wish + simple past
1) I wish I were thinner.
2) I wish I knew how to work.
3) She wishes she could speak English.

b) past Desire

Wish + past perfect tense
1) I wish I had bought it.
2) She wishes she had not spent so much money last year.
3) He wishes he had come to the party.
4) They wish they had not lost the contract.