Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Likes Dislikes and Regret

Like and Dislikes

use to talk about how much you like or dislike something.


a) To be keen on + ing

1) I am keen on skiing.
    Keen on means like it or enthusiastic about it

b) to be fond of + ing
1) I am fond of learning English.
    Found of means like it or enthusiastic about it

c) to really love + ing
1) I really love doing something.


a) not to be so fond of + ing

1) I am not so fond of going to the cinema alone.

b) can not stand +ing

1) I can not stand getting up early in the morning.

c) can not bear + ing

1) I can not bear driving every day.

d) To dislike + ing

e) No to go in for + ing

1) I do not go in for watching cinema.

Nothing special

a) not to mind + ing

1) I do not mind doing something.

b) It is all right

c) It is ok


When you do something and you wish you had not done.

situation 1: it is raining hard

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have brought my umbrella with me.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had brought my umbrella with me.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had brought my umbrella with me.

situation 2: my car broke down again

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have taken it to the mechanic earlier for the check up.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had taken it to the mechanic earlier for the check up.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had taken it to the mechanic earlier for the check up.

situation 3: I have got a treble headache

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have not drunk so much red wine last night.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had not drunk so much red wine last night.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had not drunk so much red wine last night.

situation 4: I miss the plain

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have put the alarm clock on.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had put the alarm clock on.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had put the alarm clock on.

situation 5: I forget my Pin no

a) should have + past participle

1) I should have memorized it.

b) wish + past perfect

1) I wish I had memorized it.

c) If only + past perfect

1) If only I had memorized it.

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