Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Desire and Second part of third condition

Second part of the third condition

Unreal or impossible situation

Describe the situation that have happened and that you can not be changed.

If + past perfect + would have + past participle
1) If I had not gone to the party I would have gone to bed early.
2) If had not drunk so much wine I would not have had such a bad headache.
3) If I had remembered to set the alarm I would not have woken up late.
4) If I had got up earlier I would have caught the bus.
5) If I had not been late for work my boss would not have been so annoyed.
6) If I had not gone to that party I would not have lost my contract.


Desire represent the wishes of the subject.

a) present Desire

Wish + simple past
1) I wish I were thinner.
2) I wish I knew how to work.
3) She wishes she could speak English.

b) past Desire

Wish + past perfect tense
1) I wish I had bought it.
2) She wishes she had not spent so much money last year.
3) He wishes he had come to the party.
4) They wish they had not lost the contract.

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