Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Passive voice and Socializing phrases

Passive voice

To be (present   past  or future) + past participle
Passive voice is used when something is done to another object.

Tense                             past participle           sub                                   Singular or plural  
Simple Present              book or books             is or are                                     written
Present perfect              book or books             has been or have been               written
Simple past                   book or books             was or were                                written
Past perfect                   book or books             had been                                     written
Future                           book or books             will be                                         written
Future perfect               book or books             will have been                             written
Present progressive      book or books             is being or are being                     written
Past progressive           book or books             was being or were being               written

Socializing phrases

a) Receive good news

1) Congratulation.
2) I am very happy for you.

b) Receive bad news

1) I am sorry to hear that.
2) I am so sorry.

c) Invite people to be comfortable

1) Do take a seat.
2) Do take yourself at home.
3) Can I get you something to drink?

d) passing something to someone

1) Here you are

e) agreeing and disagreeing

1) I agree with you.
2) I do not agree.
3) Do you agree?
4) Well actually I do not agree with you(disagree).
5) A agree with you up to a point(agree but partially).

f) Leaving

1) We really must be going.
2) We must be on our way.

g) Showing you are sorry

1) What a shame.
2) What a pity.

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