Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Helping verbs


Can use to describe ability of subject

a) positive

1) I can play the piano.
2) She can speak English.
3) He can play football.

b) negative

1) They can not understand you.
2) I can not handle it.
3) She can not play cricket.

c) questions

1) Can you speak Italian?
2) Can she drive?
3) Can he cook?
4) What can you do?

Making suggestion

a) why  do not

1) Why don't we go to a show?
2) Why don't you take a rest?
3) Why don't we take a holiday?
4) Why don't you come with me?

b) how about + ing

1) How about eating in the Italian hotel.
2) How about inviting jack.
3) How about going to the cinema.

b) what about + ing

1) What about going to the seaside.
2) What about seeing a film at night.
3) What about going to the cinema tonight.

Other use of can

a) simple request

1) Can I ask you few questions?
2) Can I make a telephone call?
3) Can I hear part of music?

b) permission

1) Can I go to the party?
2) Can he come with me?
3) Can we use your car?

c) prohibition

1) You can not go out tonight.
2) She can not come to the party.
3) They can not use my computer.

Would like

Would like is a polite way to say I want in English.

a) positive

1) I would like to answer that question.
2) I would like to compete in a cooking contest.
3) I would like to explain myself.
4) I would like to invite you over.
5) I would like to practice.
6) I would like to become a doctor.
7) I would like to see you more often.
8) I would like to thank you.
9) I would like to learn about animals.
10) I would like to meet the President.

b) negative

1) She would not like to stay for the weekend.
2) I would like to do that.

c) questions

1) What would you like on your pizza?
2) Would you like to go out tonight?
3) Would they like to go to the park?
4) What time would you like to leave?
5) How many pieces of chicken would you like?

Other use of some

Generally, we use some in positive sentence and any in negative and interrogative sentence   we can also use of some and any to make offer or request

Some are often used with would like to offer something to eat and drink.

a) offer

1) Would you like some lunch?
2) Would you like some biscuits?

b) request

1) Can I have some cheese?
2) Can I have some water, please?

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