Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Likely , Unlikely and Socializing Language

Probability form

 Probability represents by likely or unlikely.

1) She is unlikely to win(low possibility to win).
2) It is highly unlikely to improve weather(low possibility to improve weather).
3) He is unlikely to get it.

Real probability forms

The real probability represents by bound/sure/certain to words.

1) They are bound to accept it.
2) We sure to arrive on the time.
3) It is certain to work.

Socializing language

a) you disturb by somebody and the person apologize to you

1) Never mind.
2) Do not worry.

b) express disappointment when something happens

1) What a pity.
2) What a shame.

c) express the happier feeling

1) It is not going to rain tomorrow just is well(I am happy about that).

d) apologize about something

1) Sorry about that.

e) express surprise

1) Well, fancy that.

f) Do not believe something

1) You must be joking.

g) Be careful

1) Mind how you go.
2) Take care.                           

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