Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Length of time and spot of time

Use of Present perfect tense

Present perfect tense may use in two conditions one it FLOT and other is SPOT.


Flot means the length of time which indicate the undefined time.
F           for
L           Length
O          of
T          time
1) I have lived in India for three years.
2) I have been here for two days.
3) I have lived here for 10 years.
4) He has known her for ages.
5) He has lived here for a week.


Spot means Point of time which indicate particular or fix time.
S           Spot
P           Point
O          of
T          time

1) I have been here since five o'clock.
2) She has worked there since 7th of June.
3) They have been here since 1978.

For and since

For                                    Since

For 2 days                                     Since Friday
For ages                                        Since five o'clock
For week                                       Since 2001
For years                                      Since I was young
For a long time                             Since December

Simple past vs present perfect

a) simple past

simple past tense recognizes using OIL WAY.

O                        on                           I saw him on Friday.
I                         in                            I went there in 1988.
L                        last                         She came last week.
W                      when                      When did you visit them.
A                       ago                         I visited them 2 weeks ago.
Y                      Yesterday               I saw him yesterday.

b) Present Perfect

Present perfect tense recognizes using JEANY.

J                         Just                             I have just seen him.
E                        ever                            have you been to America.
A                       already                       they have already eaten.
N                       never                          He has never learned another language.
y                        yet                              have you met them yet.

First Condition

The first condition come when we have to combine sentences one is simple present tense and other is simple future tense.

Simple present simple future

a) for the real possibility

1) If you work with me, I will teach you all tricks.
2) If you use this pen, you will write fast.
3) If we don't clean it, the tea would not taste good.

b) when you not certain future result

1) If her father offers her a job, she might accept it.
2) If he accepts the job, he might move go to Japan.

Present perfect continuous tense

Present perfect continuous tense use when I started any work in past and I am still continuous it now.

1) I have been teaching for years.
2) I have been doing yoga for many years.

a) Positive form

1) I have been living                       
2) You have been living 
3) He, she, it has been living         
4) We have been living  
5) You have been living 
6) They have been living

b) Negative form

1) I haven not been living
2) You have not been living          
3) He has not been living
4) We have not been living
5) You have not been living          
6) They have not been living        

c) Question form

1) Have I been living?
2) Have you been living?
3) Has she been living?
4) Have we been living?
5) Have you been living?
6) Have they been living?

Present perfect vs present perfect tense
Present perfect tense-JEANY
Present perfect continuous tense for, since, how long

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